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Refroidisseur d'eau CW5000 pour découpeurs laser non métalliques

20-01-2021 08:20   Services   Marcory   440 vues Référence: 9461

Localité: Marcory

Prix: Nous contacter

Website: [***]


CW-5000 water chiller is able to effectively lower the water temperature below the ambient temperature for various types of non-metallic laser cutting machines. It is manufactured by Guangzhou Teyu Electromechanical Co., Ltd. (also known as S&A chiller) which is a China-based industrial water chiller manufacturer with annual sales volume of 70,000 units.


As an active refrigeration water chiller, CW-5000 water chiller is famous for its compact design, precise temperature control, ease of use and long service life and greatly contributes to improving the productivity in non-metallic laser cutting, such as acrylic leather, fabric, glass and so on.


S&A  Chiller

Email: [email protected]

Phone: + 86-20-89301885

Fax: + 86-20-84309967

SKYPE: teyuchiller