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Strip Brush factory

16-04-2021 00:25   Multimédia   San-Pédro   233 vues Référence: 10500

Localité: San-Pédro

Prix: Nous contacter

On the surface of different materials can be installed with different materials of brush, different adhesion of dust corresponding to different hardness of brush silk raw materials. In the electronics industry, the material of the strip brush is usually static-resistant.
The dust strip brush is fixed above the cleaning surface, so it can only achieve a cleaning effect on the moving assembly line. For example, most conveyor belt surfaces may leave debris and dust, and strip brushes are a great dust remover.
Depending on the length of the line, the customer can determine the number of dust strip brush installations, from start to finish, by changing the diameter of the bristles to install different hardness and density of the strip brush to remove large particles of dust and small particles of dust.
The thickness of the dust strip brush isalso optional, 3mm.4mm.5mm.7mm.8mm.10mm This is based on the amount of dust accumulated to choose from.
In household and industrial vacuum cleaners, sweeper equipment, you can also often see dust strip brush, its role is to sweep the ground booty and dust.
Strip Brush factory
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